Thursday 26 April 2012

The Wettest Drought for Years

It's been a few weeks since I last wrote my Blog and I apologise for that. In March we were expecting Dennis Tomlin to come and speak to us about being the Queen's Bodyguard. It was a full house of 36 members and as the time went on and there was no sign of him and no response to Jan's phone calls we realised he wasn't coming! However that did not stop us from having an enjoyable evening because as women we are used to dealing with a crisis and the evening gave the members an opportunity to really present their business or charity event. The amazing thing is we haven't been able to contact Dennis since so if anyone can let us know what has happened to him we would like to know.

I had a really enjoyable day on March 15th when my eldest daughter Amanda joined me for an hour's interview with Viv Oyolu on Dream Corner. Dream Corner is a radio show and online hub of interviews inspiring women of all ages to follow their dreams or passion. A subject I'm quite passionate about myself. Viv is full of fun and enthusiasm and in fact it was a more like a chat than an interview but these opportunities do give you the chance to promote your business, an opportunity you should never turn down if you want to succeed. On the same day Amanda appeared on the 'One Show' on BBC TV in her role as head of voice and choral studies at Winchester University, needless to say I was a very proud Mum.

'Opportunity often comes disguised in the form of misfortune or temporary defeat'  Napoleon Hill

On April 1st I had a wonderful birthday party with family and friends  and I was able to catch up with so many of my friends  I hadn't seen for years.  My 4 children made it a day to remember and the weather was perfect too! I am very lucky to have such a lovely family and I am proud of them all.

I'm pleased to say that the speaker Mr John Cockran  did turn up on Tuesday 22nd April and gave a most interesting talk and slide show on The Role of Women in the New Forest in Both World Wars. It was a full house again and I am really delighted to be welcoming so many new members to the Wessex Women's Network events.

The next meeting is on May 22nd 'Your Voice, Your Message: creating an impact through your voice" presented by Amanda Smallbone who is currently head of vocal and choral studies at Winchester University. More details are on the Wessex Women's Network website This is a subject I'm most passionate about as your voice can say so much about you.

The weather in March was warm and sunny unlike April that has been cold and wet! I haven't even spotted a foal this year I think they must feel it is better to stay put and wait for the warmer weather before they face the world. The rain has been persistent, in fact I think it's the wettest drought for years!

"However "Persistence, patience and perspiration make an unbeatable combination for success"
 Napoleon Hill

I hope you possess all of these qualities and you especially need patience at the moment with the weather! I look forward to welcoming you to the Wessex Women's Network however large or small your business is or even if you are retired and would like to share you experiences with other likeminded women.

"Remember" If you cannot do great things do small things in a great way' Napoleon Hill


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